Month: June 2024

FR: June 30 – July 7, 2024. Week 2

Pristine and clear waters on the upper Marmelos

1017 Peacocks boated by 8 anglers

Second group of this season start, who enjoyed the sightfishing capabilities of the upper part of the Marmelos. Our South East region is looking great as ever. Our floating cabins will stay on the upper section for a while. Biggest one of the week was a 18 ½ pounder.

Weather: Clear skies and beautiful weather. Our anglers enjoyed the water as seen in the pictures. Our South East forecasts show clear skies. The water level of the river has been steadily decreasing as expected.

Groups: 1

Anglers: 8

Peacock Bass Count: 1017

Biggest: 18lbs

Over 8lbs: 27

*Other less aggressive tropical species were left out of the fishing tally.

(click on the table to see it at full size)

3-Month Rain Anomaly Forecast In Our Four Fishing Dry Zones

(Valid for July-August-September)

Source: CPTEC/INPE, Brazil


FR: June 23 – 30, 2024. Week 1

Season kick-off at the headwaters!

1147 Peacocks boated by 7 anglers

We start this 2024-2025 season with the Smith group in our South East region. Water levels allowed our camp to navigate over shallows and rapids and access the headwaters of the Marmelos. Our first group enjoyed one of the clearest and most beautiful sections of all our fisheries.

Weather: we had nothing but sunny skies. Our South East forecasts show clear skies and high temperatures (90s).

Groups: 1

Anglers: 7

Peacock Bass Count: 1147

Biggest: 16bs

Over 8lbs: 26

*Other less aggressive tropical species were left out of the fishing tally.

(click on the table to see it at full size)

3-Month Rain Anomaly Forecast In Our Four Fishing Dry Zones

(Valid for July-August-September)

Source: CPTEC/INPE, Brazil