Author: admin
Mid-Week Fishing Report: Nov. 02 – 04, 2019 (2 ½ days)
Week end´s tally (2 ½ days):
Note: this 2 1/2 days report is to rush last weekend’s conditions to our incoming anglers.
Omero lakes in Dry-Zone N. East -: This weekend we received the Morris group of 7 anglers, who enjoyed excellent fishing conditions landing 405 peacock bass in just 2 1/2 days within a mixed bag that included Surubim, pirarara, aruanã, cará-açu, cachorra, piranha, traíra e jacundá. Last week the Bilberry group had an excellent tally with 1.052 landed peacocks, largest of which weighed 18lbs and within a mixed bag of species including Pirarucu, Pirarara, Aruanã, Cara-açu, Tambaqui, Cachorra, Traíra, Jacundá, e Pirapitinga etc. Fine weather and good water levels expected in the coming days. Maú river fishery in Dry-Zone N. East -: Breaking water at our Maú river fishery , this weekend we received the Murphy group of 4 anglers, who had a good start with water levels a bit on the high side, but very fishable. Weather conditions will be good for the rest of the week, and fishery is expected to improve conditions in the coming days. Upper Jufaris fishery in Dry-Zone N. East -: This weekend we received Galloway group of 5 anglers, who had a good start landing 340 peacock bass the largest of which weighed 19lbs. Weather conditions will be good for the rest of the week, and water levels are expected to keep dropping tendency, camp reports that propellers, jumpin minnows, yozuri and rapala subwalk are the best performing lures this week. Roçado fishery in Dry-Zone N. West -: Although this fishery is not at its optimum, and the not so good weather forecast, the Marambio group insisted in braving the adverse conditions this week and making the most of it. Fishery is expected to improve conditions in the coming days. We have no data of this camp since communications have been severed by a storm and have not been reinstated yet.Today´s Average Water Levels:
in Dry-Zone N. East and West
Omero lakes fishery and Maú river in Dry-Zone N.East Upper Jufaris in Dry-Zone N.East and Roçado fishery in Dry-Zone N.WestGuess work
The Maú river in Dry-Zone N. East is dropping and presents good fishing conditions. Rain forecast confirms tendency for the coming days (pls. see below forecast for Caracarai) Water levels in Dry-Zone N.West at our Roçado private fishery have stabilized due to new heavy rain episodes North of the basin, fishing conditions are not good but expected to improve in the coming days. The Omero lakes in Dry-Zone N.East continue to present excellent fishing conditions, weather forecast confirms this (pls. see below forecast for Barcelos) The Upper Jufaris presents a bit high water levels, but dropping and very fishable. Forecast for Caracarai, and Barcelos (see below), further confirm the tendency.Blue dots represent water level monitoring stations where levels are rising and yellow dots where levels are dropping. Our areas of interest are marked with red (high) and blue (perfect) circles.
The triangle within Barcelos, Caracarai and Santa Isabel do Rio Negro in the area of influence of our Upper Jufaris, Maú and Omero lakes fisheries forecasts above.
Find below the quarterly rainfall for Nov, Dec, Jan showing that we should expect normal rainfall in the area of our private fisheries (white).
Find below the accumulated rain report of the last 30 days compared with the historical data, and presented at the left as deviations from this norm (anomalies), further confirming the above tendency.
Water level measurements at the Tapurucuara station (see below) continue to be within the historical parameters. The Roçado fishery drains directly at this station.Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Water level measurements at the Caracarai station (see below) are within the historical parameters . The Omero lakes fishery as well as the Maú river are down river from this station at the Branco basin, water levels are excellent at this time. Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Mid-Week Fishing Report: Oct. 26 – 28, 2019 (2 ½ days)
Week end´s tally (2 ½ days):
Note: this 2 1/2 days report is to rush last weekend’s conditions to our incoming anglers.
Matupiri fishery in Dry-Zone S. West -: Last Saturday we received the Trask group of 6 anglers in our Floating cabins fishing the mid Matupiri; Stephen Trask and Robert Page are visiting our operations yet one more time, and intend to do some exploratory trips in surrounding rivers. They enjoyed good weather conditions, their fish count was 413 landed peacock bass. Rain forecast is good and dropping tendency is expected to continue. Last week the Bell group anglers landed 1.061 peacock bass in the week largest of which weighed 16lbs. Roçado fishery in Dry-Zone N. West -: This fishery continues in standby status this week. Water levels resumed the dropping tendency, forecast is good and river is under permanent monitoring, it is expected to resume operations in the coming weeks (likely Nov 09). Omero lakes in Dry-Zone N. East -: This weekend we received the Bilberry group of 7 anglers, who enjoyed excellent fishing conditions landing 387 peacock bass in just 2 1/2 days within a mixed bag that included beautiful aruanas, cachorra, piranha, jacunda, cara-açu, traíra, pirara and pirapitinga. Best performing lures are perversas as reported by camp.Last week the Key group had an excellent tally with 1.692 landed peacocks, largest of which weighed 18lbs and within a mixed bag of species including aruanas, pirarucus, etc. Fine weather and good water levels expected in the coming days. Upper Itapará fishery in Dry-Zone N. East -: Breaking water at our traditional fishery in the Upper Itapará, this weekend we received James Cahill III and Tracy Love visiting us once again, who had a challenging start with water levels a bit on the high side, but fishable. Weather conditions will be good for the rest of the week, and fishery is expected to improve conditions in the coming dates, camp will move as far towards the fountain head as the jungle allows them. Upper Jufaris fishery in Dry-Zone N. East -: Breaking water also at fishery in the Upper Jufaris, this weekend we received Eben and Aaron Huston one more time in this fishery, who had a challenging start enduring some heavy rain episodes and with water levels a bit on the high side, but very fishable, landing a couple of trophies, largest of which exceeded the 20lbs mark.. Weather conditions will be good for the rest of the week, and water levels are expected to keep dropping tendency.Today´s Average Water Levels:
in Dry-Zone S. and N. West
Omero lakes fishery in Dry-Zone N.East and Matupiri in Dry-Zone S.West Upper Jufaris and Upper Itapará in Dry-Zone N.EastGuess work
The Matupiri river in Dry-Zone S. West keeps dropping and presents good fishing conditions. Rain forecast confirms tendency for the coming days (pls. see below forecast for Borba) Water levels in Dry-Zone N.West at our Roçado private fishery have resumed the dropping tendency. Operations are expected to resume next week. The Omero lakes in Dry-Zone N.East present excellent fishing conditions, weather forecast confirms this (pls. see below forecast for Barcelos) The Upper Jufaris and Upper Itapara present a bit high water levels, but dropping and very fishable. Forecast in the triangle or Caracarai, Rorainopolis and Barcelos (see below), further confirm the tendency.Blue dots represent water level monitoring stations where levels are rising and yellow dots where levels are dropping. Our areas of interest are marked with red (high) and blue (perfect) circles.
Above the rainfall forecast for Borba in the area of influence of the Matupiri river showing no significant rain episodes for the next
The triangle within Barcelos, Caracarai and Rorainopolis in the area of influence of our Upper Jufaris, Upper Itapará and Omero lakes fisheries forecasts above.
Find below the quarterly rainfall for Oct, Nov, Dec showing that we should expect normal rainfall in the area of our private fisheries (white).
Find below the accumulated rain report of the last 30 days compared with the historical data, and presented at the left as deviations from this norm (anomalies), further confirming the above tendency.
Below the accumulated rainfall for the last 5 days:
Find below the anomaly forecast for the coming fortnight:
Water level measurements at the Itacoatiara station (see below). The Matupiri river drains towards this station. Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Water level measurements at the Tapurucuara station (see below) continue to be within the historical parameters. The Roçado fishery drains directly at this station.Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Water level measurements at the Caracarai station (see below) are within the historical parameters . The Omero lakes fishery is down river from this station at the Branco basin, water levels are excellent at this time. Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Mid-Week Fishing Report: Oct. 19 – 21, 2019 (2 ½ days)
Week end´s tally (2 ½ days):
Note: this 2 1/2 days report is to rush last weekend’s conditions to our incoming anglers.
Matupiri fishery in Dry-Zone S. West -: Last Saturday we received the Bell Jr. group of 6 anglers in our Floating cabins fishing the mid Matupiri; Dennis Gardisser is experiencing this fishery for the first time in this Season´s visit. They enjoyed good weather conditions, their fish count exceeded the 350 landed peacock bass, no significant trophies though. Rain forecast is good and dropping tendency is expected to accelerate with the good weather, water levels are still a bit high but nearing the optimum definitely very fishable. Last week the Lico group anglers basket included 1.447 landed peacock bass in the week. Roçado fishery in Dry-Zone N. West -: This fishery continues in standby status for this week. Water levels resumed the dropping tendency, forecast is good and river is expected to enhance the dropping tendency in the next days. Omero lakes in Dry-Zone N. East -: This weekend we received the Key group, who enjoyed excellent fishing conditions landing 618 peacock bass in just 2 1/2 days with the largest weighing 18lbs together with a mixed bag that included cachorra, piranha, jacunda, cara-açu, traíra, pirara and pirapitinga. Best performing lures are mid water as reported by camp. Last week the Crossland group had an excellent tally with 1.628 landed peacocks, largest of which weighed 18lbs and within a mixed bag of species including aruanas, pirarucus, etc. Fine weather and good water levels expected in the coming days.Today´s Average Water Levels:
in Dry-Zone S. and N. West
Omero lakes fishery in Dry-Zone N.East and Matupiri in Dry-Zone S.WestGuess work
The Matupiri river in Dry-Zone S. West keeps dropping and presents good fishing conditions. Rain forecast confirms tendency for the coming days (pls. see below forecast for Borba) Water levels in Dry-Zone N.West at our Roçado private fishery are a bit high and have resumed the dropping tendency, weather forecast (pls. see below forecast for Japura) complements expectations. Operations are expected to resume shortly. The Omero lakes in Dry-Zone N.East present excellent fishing conditions and are expected to continue doing so in the coming weeks, weather forecast confirms this (pls. see below forecast for Barcelos)Blue dots represent water level monitoring stations where levels are rising and yellow dots where levels are dropping. Our areas of interest are marked with red (high) and blue (perfect) circles.
Above the rainfall forecast for Borba in the area of influence of the Matupiri river showing no significant rain episodes for the next few days
Above the rainfall forecast for Japura in the area of influence of our Roçado private fishery showing no significant rain episodes to be expected in the coming days.
Above the rainfall forecast for Barcelos in the area of influence of the Omero lakes fishery showing no significant rain episodes for the next days
Find below the quarterly rainfall for Oct, Nov, Dec showing that we should expect normal rainfall in the area of our private fisheries (white).
Find below the accumulated rain report of the last 30 days compared with the historical data, and presented at the left as deviations from this norm (anomalies), further confirming the above tendency.
Below the accumulated rainfall for the last 5 days:
Water level measurements at the Itacoatiara station (see below). The Matupiri river drains towards this station. Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Water level measurements at the Tapurucuara station (see below) continue to be within the historical parameters. The Roçado fishery drains directly at this station thus, the effect of the rain episodes in the last weeks can be observed in the red line, dropping tendency is expected to resume as from now on.lPlease see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Water level measurements at the Caracarai station (see below) are within the historical parameters . The Omero lakes fishery is down river from this station at the Branco basin, water levels are excellent at this time. Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum