Author: admin

FR: July 15-22, 2023: Week 4

Hot and Peppy!

1,411 Peacocks by 8 anglers

On our 4th week on the Marmelos, first time guest Silver and his son got hands on a couple of 16 pounders. A total of 8 anglers managed to boat 1,411 Peacocks in these clear pristine waters. We kept moving our River Train downstream, getting our guests closer to the hotspots. Fishing shallow sand bars was not the way to go, Peacocks were lurking in deeper waters in look for a colder environment. Choppers and Perversas were the most productive lures.

Weather: Weather is stable just like the previous weeks. No rains, no clouds; only clear skies. Water level keeps going down and is now on the sweet spot for the middle part of the river. Our South East Zone forecasts show no signs of rainstorms ahead. We expect water levels to decrease.

Groups: 1

Anglers: 8

Peacock Bass Count: 1411*

Biggest: 16lbs

Over 10lbs: 45

*Other less aggressive tropical species were left out of the fishing tally.

(Click on the table to see it full size)

3-Month Rain Anomaly Forecast In Our Four Fishing Dry Zones

(Valid for July-August-September)

Source: CPTEC/INPE, Brazil


FR: July 8-15, 2023: Week 3

The Marmelos on a fly!

1,298 Peacocks by 7 anglers

Steve Lesikar and the rest of the group managed to boat 1298 Peacocks in our 3rd week of the season. Having fished nearly all our 12 rivers, they’ve come back again to the Marmelos to experience its beauty and fishing quality. Some of the guys called it a day before time after landing a 16 pounder and nearly 130 fish in just a few hours. We kept navigating our River Train downstream in search of more productive waters. Flyfishing in the Marmelos is a dream come true!

Weather: No rainstorms were experienced during the week. Waters have come down 12 inches approximately and we are moving downstream. Our South East Zone forecasts show no rains, sunny skies and high temperatures. We predict water levels will keep decreasing

Groups: 1

Anglers: 7

Peacock Bass Count: 1298*

Biggest: 16lbs

Over 10lbs: 63

*Other less aggressive tropical species were left out of the fishing tally.

(Click on the table to see it full size)

3-Month Rain Anomaly Forecast In Our Four Fishing Dry Zones

(Valid for July-August-September)

Source: CPTEC/INPE, Brazil


FR: July 1-8, 2023: Week 2


1,594 Peacocks by 8 anglers

The Reimer group of 8 anglers landed 1594 Peacocks. Our old friend-of-the-house Curt Reimer and his son came back again for more action. We are more than happy to support some family bonding on the water. The double caught is sure to be a great addition to the family album. Other less aggressive tropical species were left out of the fishing tally.

Weather: As predicted last week, waters keep receding, thus concentrating Peacocks in a smaller area. Cherry picking the best waters is crucial and we are deciding to stay for a while at the Marmelos. Our South East Zone forecasts show clear skies and no rain in sight. See below the 3-month Rain Anomaly Forecast.

Groups: 1

Anglers: 8

Peacock Bass Caught: 1595

Biggest: 16lbs

Over 10lbs: 52

(Click on the table to see it full size)

3-Month Rain Anomaly Forecast In Our Four Fishing Dry Zones

(Valid for July-August-September)

Source: CPTEC/INPE, Brazil