FR: October 8-15, 2022; Week 11
2136 Peacocks Landed
In the quest for better water levels and unfished rivers, 5 of our 6 River Trains this week broke waters in other private rivers, 200 to 500 miles from where we started the season.
All of our guests had exciting angling despite slightly high waters but, it didn’t stop our guests from catching +21lb trophies.
Stats: Over the week we had 14 anglers from the US, 10 anglers from Brazil, 9 anglers from elsewhere in South America, and 7 from Eastern Europe. See tally in the chart below, which excludes 2 large arapaimas, 12 large catfish, and a multifarious array of other tropical less aggressive species such as the jacundá, apapá, cachorra, oscar, aruana, wolfish, pacú, bicúda, and piranha.
Click on the table to see full size
The lower than average tallies in quantities and trophies are caused by high water levels still pouring out of the jungle in our Matupiri, Igapo-Açu and Roçado exclusive rivers, which are our two zones with the lowest water levels across our 1000 mile diameter-of-private fisheries.
Splitting our clients between the three rivers will help us stay below angler limits in all our fisheries, which is important because peacocks are TERRITORIAL. Overfishing an area result in sharply reduced angler success.
Lures: Most effective lures for bait casters for big peacocks are any large topwaters since, these new fisheries peacoks are not stressed. And, of course, bucktail white grey and red jigs are deadly. For fly fishermen we suggest sinking tippets and long mickey fin streamers for trophies and, popper for smaller fish.
Guesswork: Looking forward, we know incoming anglers are interested in knowing where all six of our River Trains will be operating in the months ahead. The key is expected water levels, of course, across our 10 Private Rivers. River Plate is the only company in the Amazon with enough private waters to move anglers around as needed for optimal conditions.
Although our guests are having great angling, water levels at the Roçado in the North West Dry Zone and both the Matupiri & Igapo-Açu in the South West Dry Zone are slightly high (See Dry-Zone Map below), and will likely remain so for the for the next 10 days, given above normal rainfall in the area for this time of the year (see 10-Day Rainfall Forecasts further below).
We base our water predictions in the North West Zone and South West Zone on Today’s and Last Week’s 10-Day Rainfall Forecast (accumulated inches). These forecasts are for the towns listed below in red which affect both zones mentioned
Today’s 10-Day Forecasts for the towns in the North West Zone are as follows:
- Villa Bitencourt: 5.41 inches (Marked as “VB” in the map below)
- Japura: 4.50 inches (Idem “Jap”)
- Santa Isabel do Rio Negro: 2.78 inches (Idem “SIR”)
- Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira: 3.54 inches (Idem “SGC”)
- Maraa: 4.23 inches (Idem “Mar”)
- Barcelos: 2.34 inches (Idem “Bar”)
Today’s 10-Day Forecasts for the towns in the South West Zone are as follows:
- Borba: 2.57 inches (Marked as “Bba” in the map below)
- Novo Aripuana: 2.06 inches (Idem “NA”)
- Autazes: 1.83 inches (Idem “Aut”)
Last Week’s 10-Day Forecast WAS as follows:
- Villa Bitencourt: 4.48 inches (Marked as “VB” in the map below)
- Japura: 3.79 inches (Idem “Jap”)
- Santa Isabel do Rio Negro: 1.60 inches (Idem “SIR”)
- Sao Gabriel do Cachoeira: 2.23 inches (Idem “SGC”)
- Maraa: 2.20 inches (Idem “Mar”)
- Barcelos: 1.84 inches (Idem “Bar”)
- Borba: 1.29 inches (Idem “Bba”)
- Novo Aripuana: 1.78 inches (Idem “NA”)
- Autazes: 1.83 inches (Idem “Aut”)
Sources: and
Important Note: A 10-Day Forecast for more than 2 inches of rain means water levels may rise; under 2 inches means that water levels may drop. Since the rainfall forecasts in our monitored towns in the North West Zone are well over 2 inches, we expect water levels in the area to rise significantly. In the South West Zone forecasts are around or just above 2 inches, so we expect water levels here to rise more modestly.
3-Month Rain Anomaly Forecast In Our Four Fishing Dry Zones
(Valid for October-November-December)
Source: CPTEC/INPE, Brazil
Our water-level predications are not just based on immediate rainfall forecasts but also on longer term (3-month) forecasts for unusual (or what is called anomalous) rainfall across all of our fishing zones. In the above illustration, no unusual rainfall is expected in the white areas for the next 3 months. Note that the North West Zone is in light blue, meaning that it is expected to receive more rainfall than normal for this time of the year. In contrast, the South West Zone is almost completely in white, meaning that it should receive the usual rainfall for this time of the year.