Mid-Week Fishing Report: February 03 – 05 , 2018 (only 2 ½ days)

Rio Branco basin Season at its finest

“The complete adventure was excellent! We will return!” 

Bill Rothrock – Jan 2018

“I´ve fished various River Plate lodges over the years, and this was one of the best we have been to.”

Micheal Rockenbach – Jan 2018

“River Plate,  on behalf of all of us, the fishing trip was one of the best if not the best we ever had. We caught an unusual amount of BIG fish. We can´t thank you all enough …”

Pat Scherzer – Jan 2018

Note:  this 2 1/2 days report is to rush last weekend´s conditions to our incoming anglers.

Anglers arriving this week continue to benefit from the delicate equilibrium of the slowly rising Negro basin and the slowly receding Branco basin, that benefits directly our private fisheries in the upper Xeurini and Jufaris rivers. Moreover negligible rain is expected for the coming days. All in all, excellent fishing conditions for the near future.

Fly fishermen it Floating Suites I in the upper Xeruini are having a blast with sight fishing, while traditional bait-casters in the other fisheries are seeing great top-water action straining their tackle to the very limit.

Dry-Zone S.East 

Water levels are high, closed for the season, which is normal for this time of the year.

 Dry-Zone S.West 

Water levels are high,  closed for the season, which is normal for this time of the year.

(beige in map above) Dry-Zone N.West

Water levels are about 2.0ft. above jungle level and rising. The Negro influence is being felt in the lower sectors of the Xeruini and Jufaris, floating suites have moved upriver towards the Branco area of influence. Negligible rain is expected in the coming days.

Dry-Zone N.East

The Branco basin is in its normal receding cycle. Fishing conditions are good in all our fisheries. Negligible rain is expected for the rest of the week (see water level sketch below)

NOTE that the green area at the North affecting the Amazon basin and our fisheries is now lighter, this makes us believe that it might have a positive influence (70%) in our fisheries, averting extreme low water levels for the rest of the season.

Last week´s Gallery